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STARGAZING NEWS: Dec 13-Geminids Meteor Shower, Dec 14-Moon passes Jupiter, Dec 15-Full Moon, Dec 17-Mars, Moon Arrive at the Manger 

2020: We have a Telescope Winner! (6/19/20)

Getting kids excited about the night sky is at the heart of our mission here at Starry Hill. As part of that mission, we started an annual telescope contest in 2018 to give a telescope to a child who visited Starry Hill. We are happy to announce that we have our 3rd winner…

2020 July 4: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (6/8/20)

Yes, we'll be having a penumbral lunar eclipse on the 4th of July. Will the moon be turning a 'blood' red color? Sorry, no. A penumbral eclipse is actually much more subtle and easily missed unless you are a careful observer. Click to learn more.

2020 Jun 20: The Summer Solstice Arrives (6/4/20)

The summer solstice is coming on June 20, 2020... what does this mean? Should we be excited, happy or something else? What does it look like? Can we even tell it is happening? The answers just might surprise you...

2020 Jun: A Strawberry Moon (5/31/20)

On June 5th, we will be experiencing a full moon known as the Strawberry Moon. Will our moon be changing colors? Will it give off a sweet smelling odor? Or is there some other reason for this name? Click to find out.

2019: The first photographed Black Hole ever (3/8/20)

Astronomers using telescopes from around the world photographed a black hole for the first time. This enormous black hole is found at the center of the gigantic galaxy, M87. How wonderful it is that Spring is the best time of the year to find and view M87 in our sky. Would you like to see M87 for yourself? Tap to find our simple directions...

Lots of New Planetarium Shows (10/30/19)

Since our goal at Starry Hill is to help kids connect with the Universe, we asked kids to send us their questions. We received dozens of questions and got right to work creating new 'mini' planetarium shows for as many as possible. These shows are now available for all the visitors to Starry Hill....

2019: We have a Telescope Winner! (6/13/19)

Getting kids excited about the night sky is at the heart of our mission here at Starry Hill. As part of that mission, we started a telescope contest in 2018 to give a telescope to a child who visited Starry Hill. We received so many great letters asking for the telescope that we decided to do it again for 2019. We are happy to announce that we have our 2nd winner…

2018 Dec: Comet 46p-Wirtanen is Here (12/31/18)

On Sunday, Dec. 16, the comet 46P/Wirtanen will reach perihelion when it is closest to the sun and at is brightest. If it reaches magnitude +4 as predicted, it will be possible to see without a telescope. It will be in Earth's sky for weeks, if not months. How bright will it get? Where should you look? Click to find out.