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Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year, Royal Observatory Greenwich, England  (2015-8-07) ⬅︎
When Braden Henricksen, a four-year Star Guide at Starry Hill, submitted one of his astrophotos taken at Starry Hill into the Royal Observatory Greenwich's contest last year, we all knew that the competition would be fierce -- the famous Royal Observatory's contest attracts the best from around the world.

Braden's astrophoto was chosen! He has been invited to England to the awards ceremony. The Royal Observatory will be publishing a book later this year with all the winning astrophoto's including Braden's.

More specifically, there were over 2700 astrophotos submitted from all around the world. Braden entered his photo into the Young Astronomers category. Braden's was officially Shortlisted meaning that it was it in the top 5% -- fantastic!

Braden's photo (above) shows the Orion Nebula found in the Constellation of Orion, just below Orion's Belt. Braden took multiple images of the nebula, combined them to reduce 'noise' and then processed the image in Photoshop to carefully bring out the details. Beautiful results!

We are very proud of our Star Guide, Braden Henricksen!