News | STARGAZING NEWS: Jan 29-New Moon, Jan 31-Moon skims Saturn at 2°, Feb 1-Moon passes Venus at 3°, Feb 5-First Quarter Moon ➜ | Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year, Royal Observatory Greenwich, England (8/7/15)
When Braden Henricksen, a four-year Star Guide at Starry Hill, submitted one of his astrophotos
taken at Starry Hill into the Royal Observatory Greenwich's contest last year, we all knew that the
competition would be fierce -- the famous Royal Observatory's contest attracts the best from around the
world. ➜ |
| 2015: Comet Lovejoy is Moving Fast! (1/13/15)
The first comet of the year, Lovejoy, is now high in the sky above Starry Hill and our homes. We imaged it
last night and found it to be a challenging target but, by the end, we got good results! ➜ |
| 2014: So Many Magical Star Parties (8/28/14)
Never before have we had so many Star Parties in a row at Starry Hill. Groups came from all over and we
had nearly perfect weather for all of them -- wow! ➜ |
| 2014 Star Guides (8/27/14)
Not only is Starry Hill a place for kids to come to connect with our universe, it is also a place that, as
much as
possible, is run by kids. That's why we have the Star Guides program, now in its third year. For the 2014
stargazing season, we had three great Star Guides -- Braden, Evan and John. ➜ |
| Connections with Eatonville High School (4/25/14)
Eatonville High School has awesome teachers and students! For several years now, the teachers have
bringing their students to Starry Hill so that we can help them connect with the Universe. ➜ |
| Students Learn to Use Telescopes (4/15/14)
The fifth grade students from Eatonville SD Elementary Schools came to Starry Hill to learn how to
use telescopes and much more. ➜ |
| | 2013: New Star Guide Program for Kids (8/9/13)
New for our 2013 Stargazing Season is our Star Guide Program. Star Guides are kids from the local area
have a strong
interest in stargazing and want to help other kids be successful with stargazing. ➜ |
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