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STARGAZING NEWS: Apr 4-First Quarter Moon, Apr 5-Moon skims Mars at 4°, Apr 12-Full Moon, Apr 20-Last Quarter Moon 

Lots of New Planetarium Shows (10/30/19)

Since our goal at Starry Hill is to help kids connect with the Universe, we asked kids to send us their questions. We received dozens of questions and got right to work creating new 'mini' planetarium shows for as many as possible. These shows are now available for all the visitors to Starry Hill....

2019: We have a Telescope Winner! (6/13/19)

Getting kids excited about the night sky is at the heart of our mission here at Starry Hill. As part of that mission, we started a telescope contest in 2018 to give a telescope to a child who visited Starry Hill. We received so many great letters asking for the telescope that we decided to do it again for 2019. We are happy to announce that we have our 2nd winner…

2018 Dec: Comet 46p-Wirtanen is Here (12/31/18)

On Sunday, Dec. 16, the comet 46P/Wirtanen will reach perihelion when it is closest to the sun and at is brightest. If it reaches magnitude +4 as predicted, it will be possible to see without a telescope. It will be in Earth's sky for weeks, if not months. How bright will it get? Where should you look? Click to find out.

2018 Jan 20: Super Blood Moon is Coming (12/22/18)

We will be experiencing an extraordinary double event in the evening of January 20th: a supermoon, and a lunar eclipse all in one. Maybe it should be called a super blood moon? Click for details.

Time to make Reservations (12/2/18)

Since the start of the 2018/9 school year, the number of requests we have received for reservations by teachers has been greater than ever. Lots of new schools are planning visits. If you are a school teacher who would like to bring your students to Starry Hill, we encourage you to contact us ASAP.

2018: We have a Telescope Winner! (6/16/18)

New for the 2018 school year, Starry Hill had a contest to give away a brand new Orion Starblast 6 telescope. We received dozens of letters from children in our area who wrote to tell us why they wanted to win the telescope. After lots of deliberations, a winner was selected....

2018 Aug: Star Party Tickets (6/8/18)

A limited number of 2018 Star Party tickets have been distributed to teachers who brought groups to Starry Hill this year to give to select students. If your child has been given a ticket, here are the details.

Goodbye and Hello! (5/31/18)

It's almost time to say goodby to the 2017/8 school year. It has been the best so far -- more groups, more visitors and more great times. And we say hello to our 2018 Summer Season with lots of star parties planned.