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STARGAZING NEWS: Apr 4-First Quarter Moon, Apr 5-Moon skims Mars at 4°, Apr 12-Full Moon, Apr 20-Last Quarter Moon 

2024 Mar 24: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (12/9/23)

Yes, we'll be having a penumbral lunar eclipse on March 24/25. Will the moon be turning a 'blood' red color? Sorry, no. A penumbral eclipse is actually much more subtle and easily missed unless you are a careful observer.

2024: Great Opportunities to View Mercury (11/27/23)

Have you ever seen Mercury? Most stargazers would say no. It's so close to the Sun that it is never visible at night, only at dawn or dusk and only at certain times during the year. If you would like a challenging stargazing target for 2024, Mercury is a great one and we're here to help...

2023 Oct 14: A Ring of Fire (9/18/23)

A special type of solar eclipse known as an annular eclipse will be occurring on October 14. For about 5 minutes the Sun will appear as a bright but narrow ‘ring of fire’ surrounding a dark silhouetted Moon. Cool!

2023 Aug: A Super-Blue-Moon for Summer (7/31/23)

You've heard the saying, 'once in a blue moon'? Well, it's happening this month. What's a Blue Moon? Will the moon really turn colors? Tap to learn the real story...

UPDATE: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) (1/31/23)

Yes, this comet is visible now and this is an excellent time to view it. We found it easily in our northern sky on January 29 with a binocular and were able to image it with a telescope. It's moving fast and won't be visible for long. For more details, click here.

2023: Stargazing Highlights (1/4/23)

Whether you are a new or a seasoned stargazer, check out our list of 2023 stargazing highlights and stargazing tools — plenty to keep any stargazer busy exploring the night sky throughout the year.

An Icy Visitor in early 2023: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)  (1/3/23)

Our distant ancestors were often terrified when comets appeared. These days stargazers react with great excitement instead. This is the case with C/2022 E3 (ZTF). After spending thousands of years in the distant reaches of our solar system, this comet is nearly here. Will we be able to see it naked-eye? Will it have a long tail? Will it be colorful? We'll soon find out!

Why all the excitement about the JWST? (1/2/23)

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been in the news a lot especially since its launch on Christmas Day, 2021. What's the big deal? Isn't the Hubble Space Telescope good enough? Here's a short explanation of why the James Webb Space Telescopes is worth following...