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STARGAZING NEWS: Jan 18-Venus and Saturn Conjunction, 2°, Jan 21-Last Quarter Moon, Jan 29-New Moon, Jan 31-Moon skims Saturn at 2° 

Eatonville Dispatch: Starry Hill keeps eyes on the skies (4/3/13)

This is an excerpt from an article in the Eatonville Dispatch about Starry Hill Observatory and Planetarium reprinted with permission. Thanks Eatonville Dispatch for your visit and the kind article!

Boy Scout Troop Earns Astronomy Merit Badges (8/28/11)

Starry Hill hosted its first two-night event for the boy scouts from Troop 621 seeking to earn their Astronomy merit badges. The scouts were awesome!

2010: Starry Hill Opens! (5/30/10)

After years of planning and construction, we are very excited to announce the opening of Starry Hill Observatory and Planetarium.
