Lots of New Planetarium Shows (2019-10-30) ⬅︎ |
Our Universe is really cool and it's really big! With so much to explore, it can be hard to decide what planetarium
shows would be best for the kids who visit us. So we recently asked kids to help us by sending in their questions
about space. We received so many great questions and went right to work creating new shows, one for each
After a year of work, we now have many new mini-shows for kids that we call, collectively, Cool Space -- Ask
Starry Hill Version. Each show takes about 3-5 minutes. Here are some of the cool questions we've
✩ Why is Pluto no longer a planet?
✩ Could there be life elsewhere in our solar system?
✩ What would happen to a jelly-filled donut in space?
✩ What would happen if the earth stopped spinning?
✩ Is it possible for a solar flare to hit earth?
✩ What elements make up the moon's surface?
✩ How has our moon changed and will it change more?
✩ Why does the moon change appearance every night?
✩ What is a solar eclipse? When is the next one?
✩ What are super massive blackholes?
✩ What would happen if you went through a blackhole?
✩ How many galaxies are there in the Universe?
✩ How did ancient cultures learn astronomy?
✩ How did we get our constellations?
✩ How many stars can we see? (due to light pollution)
✩ What are the largest optical telescopes?
✩ Are there people in space right now?
✩ Is our solar system moving towards a black hole?
✩ Why does the moon turn ‘blood’ red sometimes?
✩ When will Andromeda collide with our Milky Way galaxy?
✩ What happens when a comet gets close to or hits the sun?
✩ What would it be like to visit other galaxies?
✩ What are shooting stars (meteors)?
✩ How do the sun and moon affect earth’s tides? (high school+)
✩ Why is it warmer in summer than in winter? (high school+)
✩ Why are there seasons of stars? (high school+)
Maybe your students would benefit by some of these shows? Maybe they have their own questions? Send us an
email if
like to bring out your group of students to watch these or others that we have available. |