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Venus, Mars, Moon form a Triangle June 21, 2023 ⬅︎
On June 21, bright Venus, red Mars and a lovely crescent Moon will form a triangle in our sky. Venus will be about 3° from the Moon and 4° from Mars. The Moon and Mars will be nearly 5° apart.

As the brightest planet in our sky, Venus will be shining brightly (magnitude -4.4). However, the Moon will be about 6 times brighter (magnitude -6.4). Mars will be far, far dimmer than Venus (magnitude +1.7) -- actually about 275 times dimmer so look carefully!

If you have a telescope, this would be a great time to check out the phase of Venus (about half), and the craters of the moon along the terminator.

Venus info
Mars info
Level: EasyRating: