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Pinwheel Galaxy ⬅︎

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Ursa Major, the Big Bear, has an abundance of galaxies. Just above the handle of the Big Dipper, the part of the Ursa Major that most people can recognize, is a galaxy nearly the size of a full moon -- the Pinwheel Galaxy, also known as M101. It appears face-on.

M101 is twice the size of our Milky Way Galaxy but, at 27 million light years away, it will appear little more than a dim glowing smudge of light in binoculars and small telescopes. But to find and observe something so far away on one's own is special indeed!

* Tap the toggle button above to view the map showing the location in Ursa Major, the Big Bear.
* Use binoculars to find them. Look for a glowing orb.
* Use a telescope to view structure. Be sure to use low power so that both galaxies can fit in the field of view. Photography is needed to view colors.

Photo Credit: Starry Hill/Braden Henricksen. 5" refractor, Canon 6d camera, August 2016